Fine Art

Currently on exhibit are national and international paintings at the Gallery. A variety of paintings, drawings, and sculptures just arrived: paintings from Emile Delobre, Joan Mitchel, Max Papart, Monet, Jorge Morales, Francisco Scaza, John Richard, Fouciany Lucinge, Hanseggez, Ernest Noir, Rene Gutierrez, A. Petro Vich, Bernett, Lous Lemonner. Lowell Nesb, V. Rounke and J. Blink. Each artists reveals curiosity and mystery in their works. For example, our main artist Jorge Morales paints an experience of the sensation of walking into a silent patio with the shadows of sun and flowers. You are walking through his doors, following your slow steps, foot by foot listening to the sound of a large empty room where you can find only serenity and joy. Jorge Morales and his favor color of blue anil on canvas is distinctive and extraordinary.